Module rulevetting.projects.iai_pecarn.dataset

Expand source code
from os.path import join as oj

import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Dict

import rulevetting
import rulevetting.api.util
from rulevetting.projects.iai_pecarn import helper
from rulevetting.templates.dataset import DatasetTemplate

class Dataset(DatasetTemplate):
    def clean_data(self, data_path: str = rulevetting.DATA_PATH, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        raw_data_path = oj(data_path, self.get_dataset_id(), 'raw')
        os.makedirs(raw_data_path, exist_ok=True)

        # all the fnames to be loaded and searched over
        fnames = sorted([
            fname for fname in os.listdir(raw_data_path)
            if 'csv' in fname
               and not 'formats' in fname
               and not 'form6' in fname])  # remove outcome

        # read through each fname and save into the r dictionary
        r = {}
        print('read all the csvs...', fnames)
        if len(fnames) == 0:
            print('no csvs found in path', raw_data_path)
        for fname in tqdm(fnames):
            df = pd.read_csv(oj(raw_data_path, fname), encoding="ISO-8859-1")
            df.rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'}, inplace=True)
            assert ('id' in df.keys())
            r[fname] = df

        # loop over the relevant forms and merge into one big df
        fnames_small = [fname for fname in fnames
                        for s in ['form1', 'form2', 'form4', 'form5', 'form7']
                        if s in fname]
        df_features = r[fnames[0]]
        print('merge all the dfs...')
        for i, fname in tqdm(enumerate(fnames_small)):
            df2 = r[fname].copy()

            # if subj has multiple entries, only keep first
            df2 = df2.drop_duplicates(subset=['id'], keep='last')

            # don't save duplicate columns
            df_features = df_features.set_index('id').combine_first(df2.set_index('id')).reset_index()

        df_outcomes = helper.get_outcomes(raw_data_path)

        df = pd.merge(df_features, df_outcomes, on='id', how='left')
        df = helper.rename_values(df)  # rename the features by their meaning

        return df

    def preprocess_data(self, cleaned_data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:

        # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
        df = cleaned_data.dropna(axis=1, thresh=(1 - kwargs['frac_missing_allowed']) * cleaned_data.shape[0])

        # impute missing values
        # fill in values for some vars from unknown -> None
        df.loc[df['AbdomenTender'].isin(['no', 'unknown']), 'AbdTenderDegree'] = 'None'

        # pandas impute missing values with median
        df = df.fillna(df.median())
        df.GCSScore = df.GCSScore.fillna(df.GCSScore.median())

        df['outcome'] = df[self.get_outcome_name()]

        return df

    def extract_features(self, preprocessed_data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # add engineered featuures
        df = helper.derived_feats(preprocessed_data)

        # convert feats to dummy
        df = pd.get_dummies(df, dummy_na=True)  # treat na as a separate category

        # remove any col that is all 0s
        df = df.loc[:, (df != 0).any(axis=0)]

        # remove the _no columns
        if kwargs['drop_negative_columns']:
            df.drop([k for k in df.keys() if k.endswith('_no')], inplace=True)

        # narrow to good keys
        feat_names = [k for k in df.keys()  # features to use
                      if not 'iai' in k.lower()]
        base_feat_names = []
        base_feat_names += ['AbdDistention', 'AbdTenderDegree', 'AbdTrauma', 'AbdTrauma_or_SeatBeltSign',
                            'AbdomenPain', 'Costal', 'DecrBreathSound', 'DistractingPain',
                            'FemurFracture', 'GCSScore', 'Hypotension', 'LtCostalTender',
                            'MOI', 'RtCostalTender', 'SeatBeltSign', 'ThoracicTender',
                            'ThoracicTrauma', 'VomitWretch', 'Age', 'Sex']
        base_feat_names += self.get_meta_keys()
        feats = rulevetting.api.util.get_feat_names_from_base_feats(feat_names,
                                                                    base_feat_names=base_feat_names) + ['outcome']
        return df[feats]

    def get_outcome_name(self) -> str:
        return 'iai_intervention'  # return the name of the outcome we are predicting

    def get_dataset_id(self) -> str:
        return 'iai_pecarn'  # return the name of the dataset id

    def get_meta_keys(self) -> list:
        return ['Race', 'InitHeartRate', 'InitSysBPRange']  # keys which are useful but not used for prediction

    def get_judgement_calls_dictionary(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, list]]:
        return {
            'clean_data': {},
            'preprocess_data': {
                # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
                'frac_missing_allowed': [0.05, 0.10],
            'extract_features': {
                # whether to drop columns with suffix _no
                'drop_negative_columns': [False],  # default value comes first

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dset = Dataset()
    df_train, df_tune, df_test = dset.get_data(save_csvs=True, run_perturbations=True)
    print('successfuly processed data\nshapes:',
          df_train.shape, df_tune.shape, df_test.shape,
          '\nfeatures:', list(df_train.columns))


class Dataset

Classes that use this template should be called "Dataset" All functions take **kwargs, so you can specify any judgement calls you aren't sure about with a kwarg flag. Please refrain from shuffling / reordering the data in any of these functions, to ensure a consistent test set.

Expand source code
class Dataset(DatasetTemplate):
    def clean_data(self, data_path: str = rulevetting.DATA_PATH, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        raw_data_path = oj(data_path, self.get_dataset_id(), 'raw')
        os.makedirs(raw_data_path, exist_ok=True)

        # all the fnames to be loaded and searched over
        fnames = sorted([
            fname for fname in os.listdir(raw_data_path)
            if 'csv' in fname
               and not 'formats' in fname
               and not 'form6' in fname])  # remove outcome

        # read through each fname and save into the r dictionary
        r = {}
        print('read all the csvs...', fnames)
        if len(fnames) == 0:
            print('no csvs found in path', raw_data_path)
        for fname in tqdm(fnames):
            df = pd.read_csv(oj(raw_data_path, fname), encoding="ISO-8859-1")
            df.rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'}, inplace=True)
            assert ('id' in df.keys())
            r[fname] = df

        # loop over the relevant forms and merge into one big df
        fnames_small = [fname for fname in fnames
                        for s in ['form1', 'form2', 'form4', 'form5', 'form7']
                        if s in fname]
        df_features = r[fnames[0]]
        print('merge all the dfs...')
        for i, fname in tqdm(enumerate(fnames_small)):
            df2 = r[fname].copy()

            # if subj has multiple entries, only keep first
            df2 = df2.drop_duplicates(subset=['id'], keep='last')

            # don't save duplicate columns
            df_features = df_features.set_index('id').combine_first(df2.set_index('id')).reset_index()

        df_outcomes = helper.get_outcomes(raw_data_path)

        df = pd.merge(df_features, df_outcomes, on='id', how='left')
        df = helper.rename_values(df)  # rename the features by their meaning

        return df

    def preprocess_data(self, cleaned_data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:

        # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
        df = cleaned_data.dropna(axis=1, thresh=(1 - kwargs['frac_missing_allowed']) * cleaned_data.shape[0])

        # impute missing values
        # fill in values for some vars from unknown -> None
        df.loc[df['AbdomenTender'].isin(['no', 'unknown']), 'AbdTenderDegree'] = 'None'

        # pandas impute missing values with median
        df = df.fillna(df.median())
        df.GCSScore = df.GCSScore.fillna(df.GCSScore.median())

        df['outcome'] = df[self.get_outcome_name()]

        return df

    def extract_features(self, preprocessed_data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # add engineered featuures
        df = helper.derived_feats(preprocessed_data)

        # convert feats to dummy
        df = pd.get_dummies(df, dummy_na=True)  # treat na as a separate category

        # remove any col that is all 0s
        df = df.loc[:, (df != 0).any(axis=0)]

        # remove the _no columns
        if kwargs['drop_negative_columns']:
            df.drop([k for k in df.keys() if k.endswith('_no')], inplace=True)

        # narrow to good keys
        feat_names = [k for k in df.keys()  # features to use
                      if not 'iai' in k.lower()]
        base_feat_names = []
        base_feat_names += ['AbdDistention', 'AbdTenderDegree', 'AbdTrauma', 'AbdTrauma_or_SeatBeltSign',
                            'AbdomenPain', 'Costal', 'DecrBreathSound', 'DistractingPain',
                            'FemurFracture', 'GCSScore', 'Hypotension', 'LtCostalTender',
                            'MOI', 'RtCostalTender', 'SeatBeltSign', 'ThoracicTender',
                            'ThoracicTrauma', 'VomitWretch', 'Age', 'Sex']
        base_feat_names += self.get_meta_keys()
        feats = rulevetting.api.util.get_feat_names_from_base_feats(feat_names,
                                                                    base_feat_names=base_feat_names) + ['outcome']
        return df[feats]

    def get_outcome_name(self) -> str:
        return 'iai_intervention'  # return the name of the outcome we are predicting

    def get_dataset_id(self) -> str:
        return 'iai_pecarn'  # return the name of the dataset id

    def get_meta_keys(self) -> list:
        return ['Race', 'InitHeartRate', 'InitSysBPRange']  # keys which are useful but not used for prediction

    def get_judgement_calls_dictionary(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, list]]:
        return {
            'clean_data': {},
            'preprocess_data': {
                # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
                'frac_missing_allowed': [0.05, 0.10],
            'extract_features': {
                # whether to drop columns with suffix _no
                'drop_negative_columns': [False],  # default value comes first


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